Below are some useful resources. We are always looking to add more! If you have something you would like to see shared with philosophers interested in working toward sustainability in practice, please email us at
Teaching & Higher Education Resources
Teaching Sustainability Competencies Across the Disciplines: A Guide for Instructors
A Practical Guide to the UN Global Compact for Higher Education Institutions
Climate Change: What We Know, What We Don’t Know, What We Can Do, & What Happens If We Don’t, by Kelly A. Parker
Indigenous Climate Change & Climate Justice: Teaching Materials & Advanced Bibliography, Kyle Whyte
Community Philosophy and the Climate Crisis Resources
The Philosophy Club: Collaborative philosophical enquiry with children and young people, directed by Michelle Sowey
How to talk to your children about climate change, by Kian Mintz-Woo and Simona Capisani
International Society for Environmental Ethics — Syllabi Collection
Materials for a Short Unit on Climate Change in an Intro Philosophy, Ethics, or Applied Ethics Course, Charles Goldhaber
The Climate Change Empowerment Handbook, by the Australian Psychological Society
State of the Global Climate 2020: Unpacking the indicators by the World Meteorological Organization
Ethics of Climate Change: A Classroom Enquiry for teaching high school students, by Green-Schools.
Sustainability Officer’s Guide to Climate Action on Campus, by Caroline Burkholder of Temple University’s Office of Sustainability
Best Practice Guide Sustainability by DGPhil and GAP Sustainability Working Group (German)
Conferences & Department Events
A Nearly Carbon-Neutral Conference Model, Ken Hiltner
E-vents Guide, Philosophers for Sustainability
Innovation in a Crisis: Rethinking Conferences and Scholarship in a Pandemic and Climate Emergency, by Sam Robinson, Megan Baumhammer, Lea Beiermann, et al.
Challenges and Solutions to the Online Conference: A Case Study, William Marsolek and Todd DeRose
Western E-vent in Early Modern Philosophy: A Description of its Blended Format, Benjamin Hill
Sample Proposal for E-Colloquia, Howard Nye
Materials for Intradepartmental Climate Conversation, Charles Goldhaber
Online Colloquium Survey, Kate Stanton
Interdisciplinarity, Sustainability, and Expert Disagreement Conference
Cutting Faculty Travel
Flying Less Project:
BPA Environment Travel Guidelines
Proposal for promoting sustainability in academia through the reduction of travel, Die Junge Akademie
Political Action & Community Engagement
Don’t Mention the Emergency: Making the Case for Emergency Climate Action, Jane Morton
Philosophers and Climate Strikes, Philosophers for Sustainability
Sample Announcement for a Community Climate Conversation, Eugene Chislenko
The 12 Questions Every Climate Activist Hears and What to Say: A handy guide to the most common arguments against the reality of man-made climate change and why they’re totally wrong, The Climate Reality Project
Confronting the Climate Crisis: Feminist Pathways to Just and Sustainable Futures — Resource Compilation, Consortium on Gender, Security, and Human Rights
Food & Climate Change
Moving Beyond Meat in Philosophy: The How & Why, Tyler John and Carolina Flores
Your Questions About Food and Climate Change, Answered: How to shop, cook and eat in a warming world, NYTimes, 2019
Recommended Books
Routledge Handbook of Global Sustainability Governance
This Changes Everything, Naomi Klein
This Is an Uprising, Mark Engler and Paul Engler