Advocacy Teams

Philosophers for Sustainability has formed advocacy teams to pursue multiple projects.

You are welcome to join one or more of these teams if a project interests you!

To join a team, please join us as a member and reach out to the team leaders listed below.


This team works to build support for digital and hybrid formats at conferences, colloquia, and other philosophy events, through advocacy, innovation, and resource sharing.

Team Leaders:

Eric Godoy: 

Colin Marshall:

Local Workshops

This team is organizing an ongoing series of local Sustainable Practices in Philosophy Workshops for philosophy departments and philosophical communities. These structured discussions provide an opportunity for participants to identify and discuss next steps toward sustainable practices, both individually and collectively. For more information, see our Workshops page.

Team Leaders:

Kaitlin Pettit:

Eugene Chislenko:

Social Media Outreach

This team works to use Twitter and other social media to advocate for sustainability, share updates about what Philosophers for Sustainability and its members are doing, and share and provide commentary on sustainability- and climate change-related local and global news, promoting substantive discussion whenever possible.

Team Leader:

Karl Aho:


This team works to come up with and implement ways to advocate for course offerings on climate change and environmental sustainability, integration of these issues into a wide range of other teaching contexts, and discussion of effective teaching strategies, and organize discussions among philosophy teachers locally and at larger events such as philosophy conferences, conferences on teaching, and the APA Teaching Hub.

Team Leader:

Nora Boyd:

Climate Strike Support

This team works to help inform and organize people, including our members, to offer meaningful, appropriate support to youth-led climate strikes and rallies. We help recruit and support young people and put them in touch with strike and rally leaders, and encourage faculty to support these events.

Team Leader:

Eugene Chislenko:

Public Philosophy

This team works to undertake, and help encourage and organize others to undertake, public philosophy efforts related to climate change or sustainability more broadly, such as public lectures, neighborhood group discussions of climate change, and/or a series of written pieces in public-facing journals, newspapers, and blogs.

Team Leadership In Transition